If you are paying attention, you should know by now that most of the recommendations for getting the flu vaccine are based on hype, hope and hysteria (along with a little industry propaganda, thrown in for good measure). But, Mark Hyman, of Huffington Post, knocks it out of the box, with his blog post: "Flu Shots: Panacea or Propaganda?"
Along with evidence provided by Flu Crazy (see: should you get the flu shot, probably not), Hymans note provides facts that show flu vaccines have NOT been proven to reduce person-to-person transmission of the flu or complications from pneumonia.
Also, research funded by industry paints a glowing picture of flu vaccines (and garners most of the attention), while publicly-funded research does just the opposite (and is widely ignored).
Our (easy) prediction: Hyman will be branded "crazy" and "dangerous." That's what he gets for citing the literature and providing a reasoned, non-hysteric analysis.
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